A growing collection of evidence-based 5-minute reads, videos, and podcasts on infant feeding research for busy caregivers.

Five-minute Answers

Emily Talley Emily Talley

Can I use banana puree as a thickener?

Practitioners and researchers are experimenting with using banana puree as a thickener, and have found that it works quite well to get the right thickness.

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What is “skin-to-skin” and why is it important?
Emily Talley Emily Talley

What is “skin-to-skin” and why is it important?

I am going to predict up front that I will be talking a lot about skin-to-skin on this site.

Here’s why: we know it helps. I promise to dig into the gray areas of thickeners, tongue ties, and the like as research comes out, but my intention is to give the most space to the most important things that we know the most about.

And we know a lot about skin-to-skin.

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Emily Talley Emily Talley

When should I get a feeding evaluation?

I recently got to meet the sweet ladies at the High Country La Leche League. They meet every first Friday at Cornerstone Summit Church to talk babies and support parents who are breastfeeding. Miriam, one of the leaders and mom of three, had invited me to talk about when to get in touch with a professional for extra help. As two of her littles played (and we watched a visiting 4-month-old sleep), I talked way too fast about occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, and lactation professionals. Here’s what we covered - with additional thoughts for bottle-fed babies.

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