Caregiver Resources

When your baby isn’t eating, you need real information and people to help - both of which can be surprisingly difficult to find. We are making it easier. Our searchable list of high country feeding practitioners and our growing library of five-minute articles, videos, and podcasts get resources in your hands when you need them.

Help is here.

The high country has a growing number of resources for parents and caregivers of children experiencing challenges with feeding. Nurture Appalachia is building an updated searchable list to make it easier for you to access the help you need. If you offer services or have recommendations for an addition, contact us!

Note: this is a catalogue of resources only. Nurture Appalachia does not endorse any listed provider or service.

Search for providers below or click on the tag cloud.

Answers in less than five minutes.

The bleary-eyed first year of parenting. The time when we need to learn new skills and sort through information while our brains are in emergency mode. Nurture Appalachia is creating and curating evidence-based, easy-to-digest (get it?) 5-minute reads, videos, and podcasts on infant feeding topics. Search below or use our tags to find what you need. If the information isn’t there, contact us and we will try to get something out soon.

Lactation and Feeding Support