Welcome to Nurture Appalachia

Your hub for infant feeding resources in the high country of North Carolina

A Collection of Supports

Finding help when a baby is struggling to eat can be difficult and overwhelming. We are here to make it easier. Nurture Appalachia is a gathering of people, resources, and information to support babies and their families during a critical period of life. Here you can connect with feeding providers in Watauga County and surrounding areas and access research in simple language about breast feeding, bottle feeding and early solids.

The high country has many service providers to support families navigating infant feeding challenges. We try to provide an updated list of lactation consultants, speech language pathologists and other professionals as well as related resources such peer groups and nonprofits.

If you have questions about lactation during pregnancy or want extra support with breastmilk feeding at the breast or via bottle, we would love to walk alongside you. Contact Emily Talley directly for an appointment.

When your baby is struggling to eat, you need accurate and relevant information presented in a sleep-deprived-friendly way. We develop and curate articles, videos, and podcasts for informed caregivers in the trenches. This effort is ongoing and open to topic requests.

Journal Summaries

Nurture Appalachia is committed to seeing infant feeding outcomes improve in the high country. We believe that includes improving practitioner uptake of current research. As we read new publications related to infant feeding practices, we summarize and link here for easy review and discussion.

Who we are

Emily Talley is a Certified Lactation Counselor and Clinical Fellow Speech Language Pathologist living in Blowing Rock, NC. She established Nurture Appalachian as a gathering of people, resources, and information to support babies and their families during a critical period of life.

Emily practices as an SLP in Watauga County providing infant feeding and early language evaluations and therapy through Appalachian Pediatric Therapy.

Contact Us

Do you support infant feeding in the high country? Have questions or want to collaborate? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!