In mountain communities built on relationships and word-of-mouth, it can be difficult to find help when you’re at home with a baby struggling to eat. We have asked around so you don’t have to. Search our list of providers, resources, and support groups by location and specialty.
Note: This is a catalogue of resources only. Nurture Appalachia does not endorse any providers.
High Country Infant Feeding Resources
Search for providers by keyword or filter using the word cloud
Mother-Baby Home Visiting Program
Phone: (828) 264-4995 ext. 2229 (BABY)
Email: motherbaby@apphealth.com
Service area: Watauga, Ashe, and Avery Counties (expanding to Alleghany)
Natalie Cook Cooper, OT-L
Phone: 828-773-8477
Address: 207 Winklers Creek Rd, Suite 1, Boone, NC 28607
Wildwood Occupational Therapy offering pediatric feeding therapy in the Boone, NC area
High Country Doulas
Phone: 828-278-8949
Email: info@highcountrydoulas.com
Website: https://www.highcountrydoulas.com
Serving families anywhere between Wilkesboro, NC, to Boone, NC from Kingsport, TN to Abingdon, VA and beyond
High Country La Leche League
Instagram: @highcountrylalecheleague
Address: Cornerstone Summit Church, 1100 East King Street, Boone NC
Meetings 10am first Friday of the month at Cornerstone Summit Church
Laura Mele IBCLC
Phone: (828) 278-9048
Email: LarasLactationConsulting@gmail.com
Providing lactation services at Watauga Medical Center and through private practice in the Boone, NC area
Appalachian Pediatric Therapy
Phone: 828-394-5084
Email: dgrimes@appalachianspeech.com
Website: https://www.appalachianpediatrictherapy.com
Providing speech, language, and feeding services in Caldwell, Watauga, and surrounding counties
Women Infants and Children Program (WIC)
Phone: (828) 964-0171
Website: https://www.apphealth.com/wic-nutrition/
Providing peer breastfeeding support, supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk in Watauga, Ashe, and Alleghany Counties.