In mountain communities built on relationships and word-of-mouth, it can be difficult to find help when you’re at home with a baby struggling to eat. We have asked around so you don’t have to. Search our list of providers, resources, and support groups by location and specialty.
Note: This is a catalogue of resources only. Nurture Appalachia does not endorse any providers.
High Country Infant Feeding Resources
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Mother-Baby Home Visiting Program
Phone: (828) 264-4995 ext. 2229 (BABY)
Email: motherbaby@apphealth.com
Service area: Watauga, Ashe, and Avery Counties (expanding to Alleghany)
Children’s Developmental Services Agency of the Blue Ridge
Phone: 828-265-5391
Address: 2359 Hwy 105, Boone, NC 28607
Coordinates feeding therapy for children ages 0-3 throughout Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Watauga, Wilkes, Yancey Counties.
Appalachian Pediatric Therapy
Phone: 828-394-5084
Email: dgrimes@appalachianspeech.com
Website: https://www.appalachianpediatrictherapy.com
Providing speech, language, and feeding services in Caldwell, Watauga, and surrounding counties