In mountain communities built on relationships and word-of-mouth, it can be difficult to find help when you’re at home with a baby struggling to eat. We have asked around so you don’t have to. Search our list of providers, resources, and support groups by location and specialty.
Note: This is a catalogue of resources only. Nurture Appalachia does not endorse any providers.
High Country Infant Feeding Resources
Search for providers by keyword or filter using the word cloud
Blue Ridge Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine
Phone: (828) 262-0100
Website: https://blueridgepeds.com
579 Greenway Rd, Suite 200
Boone, NC 28607
3616 Mitchell Ave, Suite 2
Linville, NC 28646
968 US Hwy 221 Business,
West Jefferson, NC 28694
Lactation professionals on site certain days of the week.